I had been looking at the Christian Kids explore science series by Bright Ideas Press, so I was thrilled when I found out I would be reviewing Christian Kids Explore Biology. What a treat to be able to review something on my wish list!!
This science curriculum is really good. It is concise, well-written, and very Christian, which is THE most important thing to me. It is written by Stephanie Redmond, who is a homeschool mom. Funny thing is...it works for homeschooling!! You can work with individual students, or a multi-level group. You can make it work for the younger crowd, or add it to another curriculum for the older students, although it is intended for grades 3-6. It could be the sole curriculum, or a supplement. You can even use it as a review beyond elementary. Isn't flexibility nice??

The book has 35 lessons, intended for 2-90 minute lessons a week. Of course, it can be scheduled however you choose. It includes teaching lessons, coloring pages, hands on time (including some experiments--you could always add more if you like), memorization lists, review sheets, creative writing assignments, and a supplemental book list...WOW! It really packs a punch in its pages. I found it all helpful and informative for my 9 and 12 year olds. (the 7 year old listened in, too!)
There is also a student activity book download available. It includes all the reproducibles from the book. It is a helpful resource as you go through this curriculum. Timesavers are wonderful, in my opinion.
This curriculum is available at www.brightideaspress.com/?p=257. The book is $34.95 and the student activity book download is $12.95. There is also good information on the website about a yahoo group, materials list, and sample lesson plans. You can also explore the rest of the website and see the other books available in this series, Christian Kids Explore Physics and Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space.
This is such a versatile curriculum. You can make it work for your homeschool needs, and that is a plus. Check it out and see if it is a good fit for your homeschool science!!
***Disclaimer: I was given Christian Kids Explore Science and the student activity book download free of charge, in exchange for my honest review of them. I received no other compensation.***