This product incorporates phonics, reading, writing, and keyboarding. What a wonderful idea!! I always like it when a product covers more than one subject, and these subjects just naturally go together. I originally targeted my 7 year old son, and it was perfect for him. He enjoyed the activities with Lefty and Rightaway, and the villain Vexor. He would stay engaged at the task at hand for a good stretch of time, then had to stop. It kept his attention for the most part, but I think a 7 year old can only take so much learning at a time, even if it is FUN learning!
My 9 year old wasn't as enthusiastic. He is a good reader, and I think it felt a little slow to him. I think another product by Talking Fingers called Wordy Qwerty for grades 2-4 would be a better fit for him, although I may have him continue with Read, Write & Type just to get a good base in keyboarding.
I asked my 12 year old daughter to try it out, just to see if she could pick up some good keyboarding skills, but it was just too slow for her. She was able to tell me about it, so it did catch her attention, but because of her age, just didn't hold it. (and Talking Fingers targets this product for ages 6-9, so that makes sense!)
I have little ones, too, in the 3-4 year old range. They haven't done much on the computer at all, so this was too big of a challenge. We didn't get far at all, but I just wanted to check it out. They like to watch when big brother does it, and that is good for now!

This is a very good product that is lively and fun. It is geared toward how the brain learns. I am very impressed with this, and look forward to my son (s) completing it in the weeks to come.
The online version price of Read, Write & Type is based on how many users you have, and is good for five years. (one user -$35, two users - $55, three users-$70, four users-$80, and five users $100.) You can also get a CD version of RW&T for $79, and that would be good for a lot of children! Quite a good deal, if you ask me! (and I'm big on deals since I have 11 children...)
To order this online product, you can click here:
For the CD, you can click here:
For more information about this product or other products by Talking Fingers, click here:
This is a great product, and we definitely enjoyed reviewing it. Check it out today. Your child/children will be glad you did!!
***Disclaimer--I received this product free of charge in exchange for my honest review of it. I received no other compensation.***
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