Virtual Nerd is an online tool to help with math and science, and I was really impressed with it!
The concept (from the website) is easy:

My daughters and son are not exactly at the place in their math and science where the videos are, but I had them watch some of them anyway. I watched them, too. and I thought they were good. (and so did my kids.) Really good. The tutors were pleasant and knowledgeable, dressed in black shirts to help prevent distractions, and explained things clearly and simply in front of the whiteboard. It was not dry at all. Could I even go so far as to say it was sort of interesting? (coming from someone who isn't mathematically or scientifically bent!)
The subjects covered were Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Physics, with more on the way. You could search for the topic you wanted by keyword, topic, or textbook. While you watch the video, the problem is being displayed on the right side of the screen. If there are any questions or problems within the topic, there is a link for that, too. You'll go to another section to get the question answered. It is quite the set-up, if you ask me--very cool how you can go from one thing to another to get all your questions answered. You really shouldn't have any excuse to not understand with so many options!!
I found this on the website:"Created by an expert tutor and a designer, Virtual Nerd gives students a new option to turn to when they need help. For a fraction of the cost of private tutoring, students gain access to hundreds of interactive step-by-step video tutorials that match up with the practice problems in their textbooks. Virtual Nerd's patent-pending e-Learning system anticipates students' questions, so they can easily drill down to related tutorials if they get confused. The innovative design makes it easy for students to stay focused. Plus, unique reporting features mean parents and teachers can stay involved with students' progress."
There are daily, weekly, monthly, and 3 month subscriptions, with varying costs. It would be handy to purchase a day or week "pass" if you are having specific problems with math and need immediate help, or a longer subscription if you know there will be lots of problems. It is not intended to replace a textbook or a teacher, but it is so good when there are problems to have some good explanations to help. That is exactly what you'll find on the Virtual Nerd website!!
It would be worth your while to check out the website : http://www.virtualnerd.com/ and see if it would be something that would be a help for your family. You can see prices, FAQ's, and other details concerning the product.
You can check out other review of this product at http://homeschoolblogger.com/homeschoolcrew/783627 and get even more opinions on it.
***I received a subscription to this online product in exchange for my review of it. I received no other compensation.***
As a supporter of Virtual Nerd, we wanted you to know about our Math Boot Camp. To help students avoid the "summer slide", we are offering boot camps in: Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Algebra II. The five-week camps cost only $19! A pre-quiz will assess student's knowledge, and weekly playlists will be assigned to help them attain a better understanding of the subject and build upon concept knowledge. Finally we wrap up with a quiz that assesses how far they have come! We hope you will share the good news. Get started today!