It is fun to find a product that is...well...fun...and helpful... and practical... and useful. That is what this wonderful book from VocabAhead is, and more. It is called VocabAhead SAT Vocabulary: Cartoons, Videos, and MP3s. This is a very good tool for all your vocabulary needs.
This book takes a word, gives the definition, adds a black and white drawing, then gives sentences to reinforce the definition. It also gives the synonyms and antonyms to each word. The drawings are clever, oftentimes funny, so they stick with the reader so he/she can remember the definitions easier. How fun is that?!? (well, it's educational, too, but fun sounds better!)
I really liked how the book had a review page after every 10 words. There the reader can match the word to the correct definition, and fill in the blanks with the appropriate word. What a good feature to test how well the reader understood the words! It's just a very good review.
You can download cartoons, videos, and MP3s to reinforce the book. The download is large, and will take a bit, just FYI. Those kinds of things can really cement the words in the minds of the reader.
My older kids enjoyed looking at the book and videos. There were laughs and aha moments, which is always good to see. (and hear.) One example is the word "writhe." It says it is a verb, then gives the definition "To twist or bend and roll around,usually in pain." Then, the picture shows a young man on the ground holding his head, obviously (from all sorts of squiggles and marks) writhing in agony. That is a good word picture!
You can get the book at Amazon for $12.95 currently. There is also a DVD-Rom that other crew members reviewed that is $24.99. Check out the website at http://www.vocabahead.com/ and discover all it has to offer. There are a lot of helpful resources just waiting for you. It just may be something that will be a lifesaver for your school!
As with any homeschool materials, you will want to preview it to make sure it is appropriate for your tastes.
Have fun!!!
***Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge in exchange for my honest review of it. I received no other compensation.***
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