My middle boys (5, 7, and 9 years old) really liked an "assignment" I gave them recently--to look around the Tiny Planets website and see what they thought. We took the adventure together, and had some fun cosmic adventures with Bing and Bong, two aliens who travel the universe of Tiny Planets.
This website is divided up into different areas. The first is My Tiny Planets, which is the main page. The next is Tiny Planets TV, where the child/ren can watch videos of the show this website is based on. My Tiny Planets is where the child/ren can choose a variety of space adventures. Tiny Planets Fun contains puzzles, coloring pages, comics, etc. that can be utilized. Tiny Planets Books have interactive books that the child/ren can read, or have read to him or her. The Tiny Planets Labs is a place to try things out. You can find lesson plans and early learning goals at Tiny Planets Learning.
Ok, that is a very quick overview of the website. It is free, unless you want to purchase keys for further fun. We didn't do that, but there is that option. But, who can top free??? That is a very good thing for something that my children enjoy.
The website is set up for ages 4-12. I think there is flexibility in that as I observed with my boys. It is fast-paced and fun. It contains a lot of "stuff" that children like. There is a parent's account that I admit I had trouble setting up. That has nothing to do with this website, just the slow, technically challenged brain of mine!!
This website may not be for everyone. We will continue to look it over in more depth as the days go by. You can go to www.tinyplanets.com to look it over in more detail and see if it is a good fit for your family.
Be sure to read more reviews of this product at : http://homeschoolblogger.com/homeschoolcres/783525 to see what you think. It just may turn out to be something your children will really enjoy!
***Disclaimer: I signed up for this website at no charge in exchange for my honest review of it. I received no other compensation.***