I've been homeschooling a long time, and have looked at and/or used a lot of things. Sometimes, though, I come across a company that sells something I've not heard of before. Master Innovations was like that for me.
I received a Master Clock to review, and I am really impressed!! It is a clock that has removable hands, and overlays that help with hours, minutes, and seconds. It also has a display for digital, so it can be a help for either analog or digital time-telling. It really is a clever little hands-on teaching tool!!

The clock is color coded, and goes along with the four clock face overlays. The hour hand is red, and so are the markings on the hour face. The minute hand is green, and goes along with the markings on the minute overlay. The second hand is blue, and coordinates with the markings on the second face. Gears connect the minute hand and the hour hand, so it works like a real clock. It may sound a bit confusing, but when you have the clock in hand, it makes sense.

There is a workbook that goes along with the clock. It has fun activities to learn about telling time, all using your Master Clock. It contains beginning and up to 5th grade concepts of telling time. It is very helpful to use it with your clock and make sure you are covering everything that needs to be covered.
My kids like "playing " with the clock, not realizing it is educational! The book is helpful to make it all come together, and I appreciate that. The clock is such a versatile tool, one that you can make work for your child where he or she is at. Younger students can learn the concepts, and older students can review. That is what we are looking for as homeschoolers!!
The Master Clock is available at themasterruler.com for $14.95. The workbook is $15.95. What a deal for a great manipulative!! You will definitely want to check it out, along with the Master Ruler, Master Fractions, and Master Angles. I am putting those on my wish list!!
***I received the Master Clock and accompanying workbook free of charge in exchange for my honest review of it. I received no other compensation.***
We reviewed the Master Ruler, but I really want to order the clock.